Fire Fighters & First Responders in the southeast have been working on the ultimate rescue boat.



* Rigid craft small enough to be carried substantial distance over rough terrrain by two responders.

* Narrow enough to fit between the wheel wells on most vehicles with a hatchback

* Plenty of handgrips for carrying by six people and/or easy water entry from any point along boat.

* Dedicated storage in cockpit for two double bladed paddles.

* Light weight,virtually indestructible, with 1200 lbs of bouyancy.

* Easily paddled,but capable of attaching 6 hp outboard for speed and distance.

* Adequate scupper holes for instant evacuation of oncoming water.

* Stable enough to stand up and throw while in rolling seas.

* Accessory attachment tracks

* Detachable wheels


You can see first responders tormenting the prototypes on youtube by searching for "VersaBoat"


Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated. Additional Criteria encouraged!!


John Zimmerlee




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