I am starting the a hiring process and have been told that in about 2 and a half months I have to take the candidate physical ability test (CPAT). I have already started training on my own. I am running daily and doing various calastenics, but I would really like some advice on what else I can do to prepare. Please keep in mind that at this time I do not have access to a gym. Any ideas would be great though. Thanks!

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Get P90X It really works I lost 20 pounds in aboutthat Time and got very good endurance and I also ran and did the diet plan Might help.
Hi, i did the cpat back in may! go buy a 90lb weight vest and start climbing any stairs you can find since you dont have access to a rotating stair machine, which is the very first thing you will do on the cpat. Stairs with 75lbs. for 3 1/2 minutes is what they start you with, and you wouldnt believe how that kicks anyones butt! the 90lbs. helps strengthing your endurance and builds your leg & core muscles which helps with the dummy drag. When you got to do it with 75lbs its a breeze! Start training a.s.a.p dont under estimate the test! They were 5 guys they gave iv's to right there and several who didnt finish! Im 140lbs and passed it 8minutes 42 seconds, it can be trained for! pay specific attention to detail and form you have to stay in those boxes so do exercises and watch you foot placement make your own box to stand in! Do pushups, pullups, situps, run with the vest on or use 40lb hand weight in each hand, and climb stairs with the weight and you will fly through the cpat. practice crawling on the ground with the vest to for the confine space after you do all the other workout, that will push you down and slow you down on your time!hope this helps! I did get my job!! :}GOOD LUCK
did you do the same cpat where everone has to spend 3 1/2 minutes on the stairclimber?
lol the cpat tests that i have taken were just like the firefighter challange except they are 3 story instead of 5 story stairs

No worries, you don't need a gym - or really any equipment - necessarily, when you're physically training to be a firefighter.  When doing your cardio and strength-training routines, try to mimic the actual scenarios used in firefighter training. For example - instead of just running, run up and down flights of stairs, while hauling something heavy (to simulate a hose, ladder, victim, etc.). A weighted vest is also good as that will prepare you for the gear you'll eventually be wearing. You get the point. Get creative!

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