Currently I am finishing up pre-reqs for Paramedic school and prep classes for the Fire Academy. However, my non Fire/EMS schedule is increasing the difficulty to do both at the same time. One program is an hour drive 2 nights/week and the other is 2 hours away 1 night/week. Both commutes total about 6-8 hours/wk depending on weather and traffic. This would only be 2-3 months long then both paramedic and fire academy start up within a month of each other. So, how do you choose one over the other? I've been told that it is much easier to get hired as a FF/Medic if you already have paramedic training.

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Given the trend in fire departments that do fire based EMS, you are seeing more and more depts looking for that paramedic cert. The reason being, the depts out there that do their own paramedic training is few and far between, so they look at schools etc, which incurs a significant cost per student. Whereas, most depts have training personnel in the fire realm and most are certified fire instructors, so can train someone on the fire end of things moreso than the EMS.


This isn't the case all over, things do vary, but if looking for a career job, the medic card tends to stick out a lot more than fire certs.


I'm sure you've noticed many departments even advertise they prefer or require medics when they hire.

When faced with the decision to choose one over the other go with Paramedic first.

I will Ditto that most States are reuiring medic training before you can be hired.


I am guessing you are talking about bigger cities taking paramedics. In small towns like the area around where I live, I am the only paramedic on our fire dept and I don't believe that any of the other depts in the county have a medic on their dept.  Many small town depts here have the first responder/EMT and are fine with that. 

Get your paramedic now so you are more desireable to the hiring board.  When you get hired you will go to the departments academy and get your fire training.  When you are hired you can always get more training on your time, so paramedic should be your priority for now.

Good luck to you on the job hunt, I hope everything goes well for you.

Wow guys! I appreciate the support! Thanks so much! It seems pretty obvious what my next move should/will be! I look forward to applying to medic school already but these pointers excite me to know I am going in the right direction!



My bet here is she is asking about becoming a career FF/paramedic. What you seem to be talking about is a volunteer dept. If you are the only paramedic on your dept, I am seriously doubting your dept is an ALS service and is not a career dept.

My best advice as being a ff/paramedic your best bet is to complete medic depending on what your state requires national or just state the schedule will get hectic you'll have X amount of ride times and clinicals and then X amount of times to be in classroom if you have a non fire Ems school job and its getting busier and your in two schools at the same time one of those factors will have to break idk your capabilities but medic will be stressful on its own you have the skills you have to do acls itls phlts bthls whatever you will have for trauma life support cardiology EKG and pals my best suggestion to you is do one at a time it will lessen the stress and lessen the hectic schedule weigh your options I wish you luck for success and be safe

I agree with all the others ALS is first however, do not just drop other class. As a member of a metro department providing ALS services (non-transport) we are in desperate need of paramedics who are able to meet physical requirements of firefighting side. Not just do the job but complete CEPAT and requirements for state pension system. We train our recruits in our own accademy. So continue work on both and apply to every department you meet requirements to. The dedication will reflect favorably on you during your application period. Our transport is done by contract with outside service, department size; full paid, aprox 960 firefighters, aprox 90,000 runs a year.


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