first of all let me start off by apologizing. i meant in no way to make a comparison of vollie vs paid.i guess i just got caught up in some excitment. as far as my big head goes it wasnt in reference to my fire knowledge it was to my ability to complete the test. i am on this website for one reason and that is to learn from you guys and to gain as much knowledge as possible. most of the people on this site are more qualified than i am. so to everyone who was offended i am sorry and i will try to be more sensitive before i post something. thank you all for everything yall have taught me on here. be safe!

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Keep the learning attitude and drop the egotistical attitude and you will do fine probie. Apology accepted from me anyway. Learning is the key, and you wont learn if you think you know it all, so go to probie school ready to learn and looking for something new to learn every day. Keep your mouth shut and listen to the instructors, they are salty old dogs that have been around the block a few times and have experience. Its not just about book smarts and being able to last through the CPAT...its also about applying that knowledge and fitness to real life situations and turning it into real life experience. many guys/gals do you know that passed the CPAT a while ago that still have the physical fitness to do the job today? LOL Most of us develop the gut a little more than others!! Im the first to admit it too! LOL But on the same token I am smart enough to tell my chiefs I will not be interior until I can loose the weight and get back in shape first. Look at the LODD stats...Most are Heart related. Keep that fitness level probie, its so important, do not let it slip because you got the job, keep working out and stay away from Burger King!! LOL Trust me, I have experience.

Good luck, if you need help give me a shout.

PS- Do not take being called "Probie" as a bad thing either. We all start out there and you need to prove yourself to be called a firefighter, especially after that first post. SO keep your head up and be proud to be a part of the team.


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