Sorry I have not had time to reply to the additions to the discussion I started in the last week.
I am getting married on sat 18 July and have been away from my comput. I will also be on my honeymoon for two weeks. It looks like I have upset some of you I am sorry. Great points are made and some points I'm not sure how they play into the discussion, all though they are good points. Stay safe, and we are all here for the same thing to help in what ever way we can. We all love what we are doing.
Sorry for leaving the station today, I needed to get every thing put togather for the safety fair and send thank you, cards out. I love ya to! Talk the old man into seeing the Doc. I don't want to loss a great firefighter over it.
It was great! No rain, no big wind, and it was in the mid 70s and sunny. Have to talk about my Fire Fighters. The Fire Fighters know I had a lot of work in the office for the upcoming events, and needed to finsh sawing the wedding dress, with no time to plan a wedding so they, ask if they could help. They ask me what I wanted and before Iknow it the wedding was here! I and Eric paid for the wedding but the Fire Fighters arranged, organized, and gave us the wedding of a life time. It bought me to tears when I seen how great it was. I think they all need to be wedding planners.