Someone threadJACKed this!!! the Damnthing wasn't there earlier... I saw it! I swear...
I am with Jack on this one though... Where the hell did you get a picture of my current-sister-in-law? SON OF A B**** my brother's not gonna like this at all... Wahahahaha!
To properly perform a threadjack we have to remember that this thread is not about kittens or fat women or even dancing explorers. It is clearly about Pez, Cherry Pez as a matter of fact.
Cherry Pez was revealed as the one food a young Jerry O'Connell could never live without and would choose as his one and only food for the rest of his life in the movie, Stand By Me. This was of course based on the short story The Body, by Stephen King that appeared in the book Four Seasons. Four seasons has also been the name of a restaurant and of course a set of classical music pieces. Most games use pieces of some type although some choose to call them tokens. Tokens can be exchanged for money, much like the new send a gift function on this site. Which brings to mind the curious fact that websites which don't really exist in one place at all are called sites, while construction sites which definitely exist in only one place are also called sites. Hey look, a Chicken...