Theft in the department. What would you do? Police officers help is also needed.. thanx

I've got something on my mind that I could surre use your help with. I have chosen to hide my department infomration in fears of him figuring out that I'm on here asking questions and looking for anwers.

One of the guys in the department is stealing funds and we foudn out he has some other charges against him. What would you do or who would you go to to report it? I've been with the department for over 10 years and am afraid of loosing my job or getting in the middle of it because the thief is very good friends with the Deputy Chief and Chief. Who would you go and talk to and how woul dyou handle it? Any advice is appreciated. Also could he get locked away if he's found out? I know he's doing something worng but I don't want to be responsible as he's got four kids to feed. Maybe thats why he's doing what hes' doing. He knows allot of folks and is tied in pretty tight with the different departments. Me and the guys are tryhing to figure out the best approach to resolve this problem.

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There is no excuse for stealing from your employer and fellow firefighters. Turn him in before he does something stupid like robbing a gas station or something. Or you guys need something that the money could have gotten you but it isn't there. I'm sure if you have solid evidence and go to the PD they should keep it confidential on who ratted him out. If not that's BS. This is a very serious situation that warrents immediate attention.
Grow a set and let both Chiefs know! Stealing is wrong let alone from your brothers and sisters, the F'n pri#k does not belong to the brotherhood. For that matter confront the A##hole and let him know what you intended. Stop the petty crap of what should I do BOO HOO!
You need to go to the police department and let them know. If you fail to report it then you are guilty also. Two wrongs do not make a right. Do what is right, if you have the evidence, and notify the proper persons.
I'm not sure if I can trust him with my life or not. I used to think so but now I don't know. He's betraying the whole department and takign money that does not belong to him for God knows what. Thanks for your input.
I have proof based and that's all I can say. It's gotten pretty bad. The chief knows I think but still does nothing about it. In the meantime there are no funds for some things that the Dept. needs because he's depleted some fo the funding.
The problem is he's friends with allot of people in our area even the PD. The Major is a good idea. Thanks
I've talked to a few of the guys and they know what's going on. It's been slipped out. The chief has a clue but does nothing for some reason. What the frig is worng with the picture. Is everyone blind?
We know what he's doing I meen some of the guys do. Everyone is nervous about how to handle it. We found some stuff that is definitely evidence. I know I have a few kids of my own but what hes doing is definitly wrong
But can he loose his career too besides having to pay the funds back? He's going to be considered a felon
Not looking the other way buddy just asking for some input here. Somehting will happen but trying to figure out the right approach. I dont' know why he's doing it but some of us think it's been for some time now.
He's also stolen some money from a coworker beleave me it gets worse. Dont know why hes doing this and he doesnt think we know about it. Its complicated because he has many contacts and I think he can get out of it if he wants to
The guys are putting their heads together to do something but it's harder than you think. He's got many ties and I think he feels he wont get caught at it. Hes the type to try and turn it around on us. One guy already got let go cause there wasnt enough money and we all know why

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