I am working in mumbai fire brigade as a fireman. Here the work culture (WC) is just like a Dectator ruling over a country, in the same fashion Our Chief Fire Officer do. So I need to know about the WC in different countries and how the employees (Fire fighters) feel regarding the it.
The Mumbai Fire Brigade i(India) was involved in the Nov. 26th terrorist attacks on landmarks across Mumbai. Were you one of those folks involved in the responses and rescues?
It would be very difficult to compare WC's between our different jurisdictions because of the tremendous difference in our cultures and society. What is acceptable here is not where you live and vice versa. I think for the most part that american firefighters enjoy more rights than you have because of where we live and our bill of rights and constitution. But to be honest, I know absolutely nothing about your culture and adversities that you have to face. This is probably a good forum to gain mutual understanding of our two cultures and enable us to learn from one another as well as other who participate on this post.
It depends what you mean by ruling? If he is duing it in the name of dicipline then it is needed. Can you imagine if it was just left to the station to do what is wanted. Remember that the fire department is a semi military organisation so you are defininately going to have dicipline but i must also agree that some fire chiefs do take it to the extreme and it makes the dept sometimes a bit negative! Please let me khow if it was what you were talking about! Cheers and good luck!