Ten Minutes in the Street

A Buildingsonfire.com Series

Interactive Scenarios, Where YOU Make the Call

Check the lastest on CommandSafety.com and TheCompanyOfficer.com

Ten Minutes in the Street is back, bringing you insightful and provoking street scenarios for the discriminating and perspective Firefighter, Officer and Commander; where you make the call. You don’t have to have any special rank to participate in this interactive forum, just the desire to learn and expand you knowledge, skills and abilities in order to better yourself, create new insights, while sharing your experience and perspectives to help you and others in the street in making the right call; so everyone has the opportunity of going home.


Ten Minutes in the Street: “Three For One"

Volume 10, Number 9

An alarm of fire clears the airways, as the communications center dispatches a first alarm assignment for a report of a structure fire in a single family residential occupancy in a new neighborhood. Most of these residential structures were built between 2005 and 2010. They vary in size from 2500 SF – 3500 SF. They are closely spaced and are Type V constructed with wood clad or vinyl siding.

The first alarm assignment is comprised of three engine companies, two truck companies, a rescue (or squad) company and an EMS unit. Companies are either from one department or are a balance of mutual aid units. All companies are four staffed. There are two chief officers responding, and a RIT/FAST Engine is being dispatched as additional radio transmissions indicate numerous calls coming in reporting three different address locations, with others indicating large plumes of smoke in the area.

The first-due engine and the district chief arrive and find not one, but three residential houses in varying stages of fire., three for one....

·         House #1 is the most involved with rapid fire progression, extending to both exposures on the Bravo and Delta sides.

·         House #3 is the Bravo Exposure,

·         House#2 is the Delta Exposure.

·         The area has adequate hydrants and water flow and pressure.

·         It’s a weekday around 1300 hours and the heat index is 105 degrees F.

Let’s look at the first ten minutes of this operation;

·         What does Command do, after establishing Command?

·         What are the Strategic needs for this alarm?

·         What are the immediate concerns for the development and initiation of the IAP?

·         What are the Tactical needs and how can they be effectively deployed?

·         Who needs to do what, when?

·         Give us your insights: what would you do as either the Commander or the First-Due Company Officer/

·         How are your reading this fire incident Strategically or Tactically?

·         How will these buildings react over the course of the next ten minutes?

·         What’s the worst that can happen after ten minutes….?



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Well now I feel enlightened....
#1 is a write off..#s 2 & 3. Can be saved. First Due engine goes to 2 Second to 3 & 3rd due goes to 3. First due truck to 2...2nd due Truck to 3. Call for a second Alarm. Squad goes with 2nd truck to 3.
1300hrs in this neighborhood means those houses ARE occupied by stay-at-home moms with children. Possibly even nap time. From the rear view I can see what looks like a mini-van(soccer mom car) in the open garage across the street. I would be very concerned that there are victims in the exposures. #1 is a complete write-off with 0 chance that anyone inside is salvagable.
Jay, these homes may be under construction and not occupied yet.

I live in a subdivision very similar to the one shown, and it's common to see vans and minivans from construction subcontractors all through the subdivision, even after some of the homes are occupied. The incomplete landscaping is another sign that the construction isn't complete and that the homes are likely not occupied yet.

From the look of the aerial shot and the large number of construction contractor vehicles, it's likely that none of these homes are complete, let alone occupied. The exception is if some of the contractors are trapped by one of the fires, but if they're in #1 or #3, they're either dead or they soon will be.

Most of the replies above indicate at least a primary search and an attempt to save the one savable primary exposure - #2.
Another point on this one...

The smoke from both #1 and #3 is very hot, dark black smoke with obvious large, well-ventilated heat sources.
The smoke #2 is heavy and turbulent, but it shows the light-to-medium gray smoke that is characteristic of early heating of wood products that have not yet lost all of their inherent moisture. That means that #2 is a much earlier stage of combustion than #1 or #3. This translates to the attack on #2 having a much better chance to actually extinguish the fire than the other two fire buildings.
I'd say that there occupied. The first two photos were taken earlier than the fire photos. Perhaps months earlier. There is little to know grass and there are construction vehicles. However the last two, the ones with fire. Show Green grass with very little to no construction traffic. The Sod is the last thing put down. I'd say they are occupied.
Let's say that they are under construction, as you pointed out there could be workers trapped inside. Either way 2 &3 are Jobs.
With the lightweight engineered (non-dimensional lumber) construction involved and the massive destruction from the Charlie side of #3, I don't see it as an interior attack candidate, or survivable for unprotected occupants.

#3 looks as if it has so much damage that it is already starting to collapse in the rear. When one part of these houses collapses, the rest of it tends to follow in short order.

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