Hi all,

I am with the London Fire Brigade and am looking to swap a couple of tee shirts for other fire brigades tees. I am more interested in tees from the states, Australia, Canada and New Zealand but would consider anywhere really.

If you are interested then let me know.


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Hi, yes I am still trading shirts. Let me know what size you would like. I can do more than one if you have any friends/colleagues that may want one too. I would like a large in return. If they have names on the back that is fine with me.


From previous tees I think the sizes are pretty much the same. Maybe a slight difference. I will try to get a hold of an XL for you when I go back on shift at the weekend. My address is 21 Hever Gardens, Bickley, BR1 2HU, England. Let me have your address and as soon as I get one I will send it and let you know.


hi Shauna, i´m interested in one tshirt. i can send you one of mines. i work as a fireman in palma council, mallorca, spain. would it be possible? thanks

i need m size and i only can send the same, m size


c/ aragó 69 5b

palma de mallorca (balears)

07005 españa

now write yours, i´ll do the same


That is great news. I have been off work for a couple of tours, but should be going back this weekend. I will get an XL and get it off too you.

My apologies that is has taken a while but I didn't have an XL at work so had to order one from stores. Good news though is it is in the post today. Let me know when you get it.

All the best

Hey Shauna,

I forgot to mention in my last message that I have received the long sleeve tee you sent. Very nice thanks.

I would love to swap with you. I am in Chattanooga,TN.



Well I'll up ya one Webster Parish t-shirt.

8 days ago isent mine. i received yours last week, it,s perfect, thanks

me too, but i only can exchange m sizes now

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