OK this one had to be shared and of course I wanna see what y'all think. Personally, I am literally in awe at this point. Simply because I remember the only time I seen a clip of the show...3 minutes of my life I will not be able to get back and in which I lost approximately 13,874.97 brain cells in that short amount of time. 

Anyway, I just read the Greatest of all Mother Lands has done something, in my opinion I am sure the opinion of the female members will differ greatly but regardless, Ireland has now aired its own version of Jersey Shore. They are calling it Tallafornia and it has the exact same concept of the American show. Needless to say, we will now hear the "GTL" phrases that annoy us all only with an Irish accent. (Good thing I don't have Irish tv programming I guess!) 

How do you guys weigh in on this one?

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