Here is a short but good video from our friends at Brotherhood Instructors andUrban Firefighter Magazine on taking the window.

Do yourself and those inside a favor, take the entire window.

Train and stay safe.

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I find that using a ground ladder works quite well and takes care of 2 issues at once....taking out the window (upstairs obviously) and having an egress should it become needed....
Excellent points, Paul!

It also doesn't require firefighter entry into the structure and it is much more rapid.
Good points.
Even using a ladder you will likely still need to finish it out with a hand tool. You can do this without entering the building by staying on the ladder. But, it is important that the entire window is out; glass, framing, the whole thing to make sure the egress is opened as large as possible. A ladder typically is difficult at best to use for this. It will break the glass, but it is difficult to use to finish it out.
On older double-sash windows, you're probably light. On the other hand, the modern lightweight aluminum-framed windows can pretty easily be cleaned out with the ladder tip from the ground.

We have lots of these windows in my area. If you lay the ladder into the top edge of the glass with substantial force behind it, you can then use a swirling motion and get most of the aluminum window framing out of the way.

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