Hey Everyone! ive had an account on here for a while, but never really used it, Im 23 years old, a FF/EMT Assisant engineer, and financial secretary. My Station does fire, rescue, EMS and RIT for our city and outlaying areas. the station has 2 pierce engines, 2 ALS ambulances, 1 light rescue, and 2 squads, we are currently awaiting delivery of a new heavy rescue.
welcome sorta new guy - it sounds like you have a lot of duties above and beyond... and as my mama would say "Staying busy keeps you off the streets and out of jail !"
Post us some pictures of your fun trucks.... especially would love to see new heavy rescue - we love fun, shiny new objects - like big trucks with cool equipment
p.s. jump on in any or all discussions and in a few days you will no longer be the sorta new guy - you will be just like everyone else - endlessly harrassed for your thoughts and actions ;-)