Ok if you have cadets do they have a curfew? Weekdays are cadets cannot respond to a call after 10 p.m Weekends it is up to the parents my daughter is a cadet and i do not let her respond on weekends after midnight she is fourteen alot of people disagree with me but she is only 14!!!! There is a 17 year old cadet i believe that cadet also should be in by midnight but who am i, i am just a probie!!

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Check the child labor laws in your state they apply to fire serivce just as much as to any other job.
My department dose not have cadets but if a department dose have them then that department should have an sog for that, as well it is within the parents rights to set limits on there children. Just my two cents worth.

Everyone goes home
My juniors have to obey the child labor laws.
when i was a jr firefighter we could not respond after 10pm during weekdays and on the weekends we didnt have a curfew as long as parents oked it
The only curfews we had when we had our Junior program is that they had to be out of the station by 9 on school nights and 10 on weekends. Ours never had radios or pagers so they couldn't respond to a call unless they rode in a POV with another full member, and if they ever went to a fire all they could do was sit on the sidelines and watch or fetch water. Insurance reasons wouldn't allow anyone under 18 to engage in any activity on a scene. Idk about your daughter or the 17 year old, so please don't take this wrong way but if they have a radio or a pager, my personal opinion is that's wasted equipment that could be used for other people. I don't know your states/depts laws or insurance stuff, this is just based on what we have in MS.
Neither of them have a pager. I set the limits for my daughter, i was wondering who had curfews, the seventeen year old is one that does what a 17 year wants and lives right next to the station does not own a pager either but is pushing for one, the chief will not allow until the cadet has had the training.
During the school year our junior members must be home by 9 PM and are not to respond to night calls on school nights.

Friday and Saturday nights during school, or during vacation juniors may respond to calls day and night but only subject to parental approval.
Yeah Pretty Much the same In my dept Joe, only the curfew on school nights is 10 pm.....Now being a former cadet i do recall being out past that time if the call came in at 8 and lasted awhile. But Still Weekends, holidays, vacations etc there is no curfew respond anytime. Oh Also big rule no carrying your pager into the school!!!! I did violate that a few times as well....oops :)
I am a cadet; (16 years old) and in fact these rules are enforced. The chief and other ranking officers DO NOT let Cadets respond to calls or be in the fire station after 10:00pm on weekdays (exception is: if you dont have school the following day). However, on the weekends we do not have no enforced time to be out of the fire department. (unless it is from your parents). I personally am allowed to respond to calls at night (with the permision of my father) and go to the fire department at any time - due to sometimes the fire department being short-man powered and may need additonal help.
14 is too young to be a cadet anyway. Our dept's here do not let ANYONE under 18 ride the apparatus. Vocational students may stay at the station during the day, but they don't ride on runs. There is no reason a 14 year old needs to be staying out that late, and there's no reason for them to be up all hours of the night. You are the PARENT, BE A PARENT!! I go on runs where people are letting their kids run around all hours of the night. I have to control my urge to knock the snot out of them because that's one of the reasons so many American kids are morons.
our only curfew is that we arent supposed to bein the station after 2230 hours for any reason other than a department sanctioned event. We also are not allowed to leave school except for a second alarm for a confirmed structure fire and/or all available manpower. Other that that it is at the parents and under 18 firefighters discretion for when they can respond. personally i dont go on calls anytime after 3 hours before school starts.
Anyone under 18: 10:00 PM until 6:00 AM, their presence is verboten.

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