i think i posted this to the wrong area so doing it here..."Are secretaries/fundraiser considered officers? And can they go into the field and order firefighters and override Lieutenants?"

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if a person wanted to push it, one could look at her being on scene of ems calls as a violation of HIPPA. Just a thought.


It sounds as though this person may be an EMT. The OP states she goes on EMS calls during the day if needed due to less staffing. So if that is the case, then as an EMT, she would have a reason to be on such a call. However, she shouldn't be giving orders, or overriding a rank position.

 "she is the Secretary of the association and fundraiser, that's all.. and sometimes has to go with me to med calls..(because we didn't  have many ppl during the week day)."

  To me it sounds like she is just a seccretary.

I had been trained  and we hadn't done it so long i just couldn't remember if we leave when the med vac was flying over,, now i know thanks to you guys,

I would say it depends upon the state and set up, if a single EMT is used or not. If so, I wouldn't want to be around such a place, because 2 should be the bare minimum. So I'm going off of if 2 people are going, both are at least EMT.


Regardless, even if an EMT, her position as secretary means nothing on a fireground......and last I really looked an LZ tends to be a fireground type of task.

i know  she shouldn't even been on that call we had  plenty of firefighter's that day and i am actually the safety officer and firefighter..and we had our  LT. she is going to  be talked to about it and thank you  everyone for your  input..God Bless the Firefighters...

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