I hurt my back opening a very difficult hydrant last week and have had a lot of sciatic nerve pain. I had this same sciatica about 7 years ago from a martial arts injury but it had never bothered me since. It lasted for months the last time, the corporate doctor has me off FF duties for the next week. I know sciatic pain can be chronic so was wondering if any of you have dealt with it and what has worked to relieve it?
Alrighty then... I'll be right over... leave the light on... I still have my key...
And I am not sure I am man enough to take on Paul's stones...
he is after all _____________
so maybe I could just give him a bottle of Single Malt Scotch and get him to fly right with bribery... maybe if he is sloshed he is not a pain in the ass ???
And Dang Boy - no need to be all Macho - get the good drugs !!! Stat !!!
I know this may sound weird but go online and check out a product called shuzi i have had some pretty serious injuries in my whole 30 years on this world (if you want details have you got a while ?) I have found that this has helped me really well barely any pain now and just a general feeling healthier ..
Permalink Reply by DUST on November 4, 2010 at 6:06pm
Well this afternoon there has been a big change! I have very little pain now.... so rest, anti-inflammatory med., and muscle relaxer seems to be doing the trick finally or at least for now.
Feel free.Although I'm not really a Dr.,I just play one on TV.
Take 2 shots of your favorite hard stuff and a couple of muscle relaxers and call me in the afternoon.You won't be awake yet to do it in the morning:)
Don't ask how I know that.I just do.