i just wondered if any other state other then Pa, take a day out of the year around Christmas an take Santa around town on Fire Trucks,for a day

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I live in a fairly small community, every Christmas Eve our fella's take time away from their Family to ride with Santa. We have grown in the last 30 years or so doing this, so we use 2 fire trucks with 2 Santa's that never cross paths, one for the east side of community and one for the west side. It usually takes about 3 to 4 hours to do this, but you wouldn't believe the community support we have, the kids just love it. We usually try to hand out some candy canes to children as well. Only 2 times since I have been doing it, in the last 15 years we have had a call, one pretty memorable was to a Nursing home for an activated alarm, turned out to be false alarm, but you should have seen the look on the patients faces as Santa acknoledged all he could while we were there.
Yes It is also done in Florida. On Dec 19 There were 4 fire police vehicles , 2 cop vehicles and 1 engine. Santa was in the engine. We drove every County street in the North Pennisular area handing out candy canes to every one we saw also giving stuffed animals and dolls to children under age 5. We had a total of 14 people involved and it took from 7:30 am untill 5:30 pm. We have been doing this for 27 years and hope we can do it for another 27. Mary Yochum is the person that does all the coordinating and what a job she does.

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