SAN DIEGO - San Diego's mayor has named a new fire chief.

Jerry Sanders said Tuesday that his pick is 51-year-old Javier Mainar, who will lead a department that has fought two major firestorms since 2003.

Mainar is assistant chief of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. He has had the same employer for 29 years, rising through the ranks as a captain, battalion chief and division chief. He was incident commander during San Diego's 2007 wildfires.

Mainar replaces Tracy Jarman, who retired in June. Sanders says Mainar, like Jarman, will be paid $166,000 a year.

The appointment is subject to City Council approval.


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Wow thats alot of money.
Actually, wages in that range are relatively common for Chiefs of large municipal departments... at least on the left coast.
Your also talking about a 'CEO' who oversees a $200 Million budget.
Oh i know, I grew up in San Diego and have a few friends in the service there, but its still alot more than I make

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