Rural/Urban Interface- Wildfire Response: First On Scene Radio Report

I thought I'd make this discussion a little different- I'll post some informaiton and some photos. You have approximately 48 hours to respond before I continue the discussion with further photos and information....

It's currently 43 ºC (109.4 ºF) with 20 to 25 MPH winds and humidity about 5- 9 % .

You're toned out to a scrub fire and enroute you look across and see this

What's your first sitrep and actions?

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Sounds good Tony!

let's put the time as 1300 hours.

It is close- these are photos from what's just happened here, but I thought it might be a good chance to explore what was experienced and the issues...
1300 just getting into the main daytime heating and possible wind changes in the evening. Knowing this I would start cooling the fire down along the exposure. Without knowing how big this fire is or where its at behind the build its tough to make any tactical plans. With the fire transitioning back to ground anchor and flank. If a helicopter was available have them start a wet line ahead of the fire.

Not knowing the local area, what do we have for access (ingrees/egress), water supply and what was the cause of this fire. Powerlines -are they on the ground, lightning or human caused.

Lutan & Tony
Good discussion on this, your making me think about fire, hard to do when we still have about a foot of snow on the ground. You guys be heads up and stay safe.
Thanks Luke.

OK, 1300, means the temperature is still rising, the RH is still dropping. Say hello to Hell everybody. The wind change normally comes through between 1800 and 2000. A few hours to go yet.

This left flank has to be hit hard. The head is probably too dangerous to hit already, best attempts from the ground will be on trying to pinch out the head. A chopper would be very welcome, and because the fire is on the interface, there's always a chance air support could be made available.

A comment on air support. One of the Ericsson Air Crane pilots has said that on one of the worst parts of our recent trip to Hell, he was unable to attack because the fire activity was simply too intense - and this is a pilot who does this stuff for a living, all over the world.
Not real strong in this suit but I will give it a shot.First off assume command then give estimate of acreage burning,possible exposures,potential hazards,evac that might be needed and in how big of a radius,additional support needed,water sources needed or available and get an action plan figured out.Notifie where IC will be located and find out what other resources might be available if it turns out to be needed (ie:city,county,state)I would try to have as much lined up as I could till the Chief arrived.I might know more later on with additional photos hope Im on the wright track.
Dispatch we have a heavy Brush/wildfire will need additional units to respond. Can you advise on wind direction, and start me some air support ASAP
Where do you get the dozers and other earth equiment is this something that the departments owen and have special crews for or do you call contractors out does the city furnish them? I dont know to much about wildland or forrest fires because its not a problem in Indiana (that I know of).We mostly get small brush fires that are only one to maybe ten acres. The biggest since I have been on (4 years) was about 3 years ago and it consumed about 150 acres. Mostly ours are fought with indian packs and once in awhile pull a few hundred feet of forrestry hose and in just about an hour or so we are back in quarters cleaned up and BSing.
If I was to come out and play how would I go about getting the job and what type of equipment would I need as well as training. I love fighting fire and would like the op to get in and get dirty. How do you live when your out there tents or does somebody shuttle people to and from hotels? Im very green in this field.
HELP.. where's Mike Schlags....LOL
How much out of pocket exspense to get started and how much would you recomend to bring. I will check out the sites you posted. Thank You.

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