Does anyone have experience with the DragOne Rescue Board?

Looking for pros/cons of actual use before deciding on a purchase.


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I can't speak on first hand experience to actual use, just my evaluation from the video. For starters, it looks interesting and if there is money in the budget for it, could be of value. I would have to learn more about this and would like to train with it, as well as cost compare before a decision.


However, based on what I see here and what I would anticipate from a sales/promotional standpoint at a FF trade show, I'm not convinced. If it were me and if I had a say in purchasing, I would recommend against it, based off the limited promotion I see. My reason for being against it is that there are already techniques, tools, and so forth in place and for me, no piece of equipment or any new gadget is comparable to training and looking at the bigger picture.


In this case, whatever the cost of this gadget is, it pales in comparison to a piece of 1" tubular webbing 15' to 25' long. There are many uses for webbing and ability to help drag a downed FF is at the top of the list. One can easily girth hitch webbing around a FF or their SCBA, clip the SCBA waist straps around the groin and drag the FF out. There are techniques and training out there like the Denver Drill and so forth to use what we already have to get a FF out, as opposed to relying upon such products.


Another thing I did not like about the video is the amount of standing upright. The first pic of two FFs carrying the downed FF out, just walking out. The second one of a single FF dragging the downed FF out. Yeah, OK, all fine and good if you know for certain the floor is sound and conditions allow you to just walk upright in the structure. However, if there is a RIT activation, chances are these will be the WORST conditions you can think of, this product I do not see making those conditions easier. Whereas with webbing and some training, you can stay low and can still drag out a FF.


On my dept, we utilize a SKED stretcher with our RIT cache. Every engine carries a RIT air bottle with a light and wire cutters within the pack, as well as 100' of rope and collapsable ladder. The trucks carry the RIT cache with the SKED stretcher, a RIT pack with air bottle, rope, irons, collapseable ladder. For us, the engine company assigned RIT team will, grab the RIT packs off their engine, and the RIT equipment from the truck and whatever else they choose to stage (saws, etc). In the event of a RIT activation air will be taken in immediately with a size up to follow as to needs and with each rig carrying a RIT air bottle, there should be plenty of air for the operation. We can utilize the SKED as an easy means to move a downed FF over obstacles etc. Webbing can be used with the SKED to enable a low drag etc.


For us, this product would not be much of use, since we already incorporate a SKED to do the same purpose as here. I firmly believe in keeping as low as possible and to crawl or keep low over a structure where a RIT has occurred.....way too many unknowns to walk upright. Webbing is your friend and so versatile, every FF here carries 25' of webbing as part of their issue. It takes about as much time to buckle a downed FF's SCBA strap around their groin an start dragging a FF as it owuld take to buckle this devices buckles and move a FF.


To me, spend the money on outfitting every FF with webbing, look at training and techniques and practice it as opposed to relying on the belief that this product is the saviour to a downed isn't. The saviour to a downed FF is a well trained FF.

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