i need to know just the info that yall know about SCBA's just general information 

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Self contained breathing apparatus.......a bottle of air and facepiece the firefighter wears inside a fire or dangerous atmosphere, so they do not breathe in harmful toxins.
Haha i know that i meant more basic for firefighters. stuff that should be known
So you want us to do YOUR work? Really?
Might I recommend using Google or some other means of researching YOUR OWN work? Once you've got the paper completed, feel free to post it here and ask for a critique.
They call it a research paper because the student... to actually obtain behavioral modification needs to spend time researching the subject to learn.

Oh forget it... 100 bucks and I will get you a plagerized paper that will obtain an A.
Yup lots of scientific methodology here...
I'll do it for $75... but not being FETC mine will be only get you a B-....
Don't mix up SCBA with SCUBA ... big difference :)
Hello Jarrod,

I want to answer your question because after all, it's Christmas! Here goes, and follow along closely here, the instructions are not terribly complicated, so just read and click the links.

1. Click this link to access a website called "GOOGLE - Image Search". This will enable you to see what a "SCBA" looks like as well as the multitude of manufacturers out there that sell these things.

Click Here: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&biw=1061&...

2. Click this link to access a website called "GOOGLE - Information Search". This will enable you to read about the "SCBA" as well as discover that many other questions you might have can be answered doing something called research. With a little of your OWN "research" you can learn how to contact the multitude of manufacturers out there that sell these things and they can send you things in the mail or on the internet to your email address.

Click Here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&biw=1061&bi...

I understand that not everyone is used to doing their own work and in this case, their own homework. You now have the tools young Jarrod to go on with your life and answer what ever y'all want to know about anything.

3. Visit a fire station where they have SCBA's. If you ask the firefighters, they will not only show you one, but will enable you to put one on, but I'm not promising anything. This is a total jurisdiction / Station Captain's call, not mine. If it was my station, I would let you wear one.

If you are lucky, you might even visit a fire station when they are training with the putting on and taking off of the SCBA, which is called donning and doffing the SCBA. Look up those two words using Google to learn more.

I hope you find this helpful and informative.

Merry Christmas!

Some of these replys oh man just to funny. Some of you guys should be teachers! Ohnever mind on that the students have to survive the school year! LOL
Who said anything about surviving?
Thank you all these other guys have been giving me a hard time because i asked a question.
and i have been reading my dads essentials IV of fire fighting (IFSTA) book but i just wanted some firsthand knowledge what some other Fire Fighters think on them and what they prefer.. But t do thank you for your time in helping me on this!

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