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NEW YORK - The U.S. firefighter drama "Rescue Me" will end in 2011 after seven seasons, its writer-producer, Peter Tolan, said.

Denis Leary (FX)
The show's Season 5 finale airs Tuesday.

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"Within the next couple of weeks, we're going to begin shooting the last 19 episodes, which will be the final two seasons of the show," Tolan told TVGuide.com.

Created by and starring Denis Leary, the series follows a group of fictional firefighters as they deal with the aftermath of the real-life terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center Sept. 11. 2001, which killed hundreds of New York firefighters.

"I think they're stretching the airing of (the series) out until the 10th anniversary (of 9/11,)" Tolan said. "So if you put 10 episodes on next year and nine the following year, you'll land there."

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This show had some cutting edge stuff to it, very funny with classic characters.
I think as long as all of us remember it is only a TV show, not 100% real it will go down as one of the better attempts to depict the world of Firefighters. Denis Leary being a huge supporter of Firefighters didn't hurt either, his foundation contributes some big $ to various Dept's, he should be praised for what he does on behalf of the brotherhood.
Rescue Me will be missed, sometimes I felt the show was ahead of its time, but it sure was fun to watch.
I have never missed an episode myself but think it will be time for it to end. It started out cutting edge but has really turned into a very filthy hour of tv. I love that FX, like HBO and their original series offer a real look into their subjects. However, Rescue Me has for the last few seasons has really tested me on the potty mouthed, sex crazed, unrealistic firefighting and many other things. I will continue to watch but hope it will end with more of what we saw the first few seasons. I have been a firefighter for 16 years and do not wish to be thought of like the general public probably view this show.
I'm with you guys, I never really liked it this show from day one.
The main reason Rescue Me was brought about was to promote the Leary Foundation. They give money to Fire Departments around the Country for whatever equipment is needed.
if they are going to end it that way i would hope to see a story line revolving around the tenth year mark of the 9-11 tragedy. it would be a great way to end considering that even now years later there are still bits and peices of 9-11 history in a fictional point of view still embedded to the show
This is shocking I love that show.The fire you can tell it was fake but the drama was good.But I`m sad to see it end but they should do reruns every week like some shows do.
it suck that there going to end the show but its cool how there goin to do it
Very sad news got to find something else to watch now
Ouch Greg. Please don't spell like this, it makes firefighters look bad.

As far as the show goes, what a soap opera! Wish they'd show some more 'work'.
Sasha, I couldnt agree more. Its television so it is fiction, I mene the Cop shows, The Detective shows and The Medical Drama shows all have controversially episodes too. The general public knows this and does not make assumptions regarding these professions on television shows. The two new shows look good. I for one do not watch these so-called reality shows-people jumping onto big balls and falling into mud? And the bachelor and bachelorette shows now there's a discussion lol lol.
Kudos to Dennis Leary for raising money for the nation's Fire Departments.
at least its better than L.A. Firefigters and that other show that d-fibed a pt in 3 ft of water doing a handstand on the pts' chest with the paddles

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