I have not seen a post about dealing with patients with PTSD and TBI I just probably haven't stumbled or researched deep enough on blogs here. We all know and most likely aware of it more troops are coming home and some have been back from the field ie Vietnam etc. what are the best way do you deal with them keeping calm. I myself is a former army vet of OIF 08-09 I to suffer from PTSD and minor TBI I find relating to them helps them lower themselves to a calmer status I know in school they give you advice how to handle them but if you have been there done that it will help in giving good care to them. TBI is from anything of ringing in the ears fatigue loss of concetration and visual disturbances. You will typically see in the streets this from serious car wrecks any serious traumatic head injury. I post this to hear other members stories and stratigies on dealing with these individuals. They went and served to keep us safe so lets help them and give them optimal care. Thanks be safe

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