Can anyone out there help me?? My question in this: Does your fire agency gather your beneficary information on any Life Insurance policy and keep it on file????? I am looking for letters to fight PSOB on this very subject, I need to prove that other agencies are not aware of the requirement of the beneficaries on any life insurance policy to be on file with the department prior to a line of duty death. the more letters I can get then I can work with Congress to change that requirement for future firefighter families.


My name is Caryn Tomaselli-Todd

address: 263 S. Main St.

              Bishop, Ca 93514

              (760) 873-5078

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Since most departments haven't gotten this information begs to be asked why then deny a case when all other qualify facts are in place.
I am looking for other Fire departments that want to help me get the "on file with department" taken off the law so other families in the future or in the past can have there cases of denial reversed.

I appreciate any help I can get, from a family of firefighters!!
From here -

Who Will Receive Benefits if the Claim Is Approved?

Benefits will be paid to survivors according to the following criteria:

1. If there is a spouse and no child* or children, all to the spouse.
2. If there is a spouse and child or children, one-half to the spouse and one-half to the child or children in equal shares.
3. If no spouse, and children only, all to the child or children in equal shares.
4. If no spouse or children, then to the individual designated by the officer as beneficiary on file with the officer's agency, or if no designation, to the individual designated as the beneficiary on the most recently executed life insurance policy on file with the officer's agency.
5. If none of the above, to the officer's parents in equal shares.

*"Child" is defined as any natural, illegitimate, adopted, or posthumous child or stepchild of a deceased public safety officer who, at the time of the officer's death, is either 18 years old or under, or between 19 and 22 and a full-time student, or who is incapable of self-support due to a physical or mental disability.

I don't see anything about having to have beneficiaries listed within department files. There does appear to be an exclusion: Children OLDER than 22 are not eligible to receive the PSOB benefits, only children in college, 18-22, dependent children under 18 and children unable to care for themselves.

The program that Mike referenced:
Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) National Firefighter Survivor Support
FY 2011 Competitive Grant Announcement

is a GRANT to "...provide survivor peer support, counseling, services, and resources to survivors of fallen firefighters nationwide.

The PSOB Program is NOT closed, qualified LODD's will still receive PSOB.

Caryn, I am confused as to what you are asking, as the PSOB Death Claim Checklist -
does not, anywhere, mention that beneficiaries have to be listed with the department, nor is it asked for on the Death Claim Form -
Please read #4 outloud again and agin until you hear the part of the life insurance policy to be on file with the officers department..... "on file with the officer's agency"... It is clearly written in #4. That is what PSOB is making there denial on. My Dad's life insurance policy lists my brother and myself as beneficaries but it was never filed with the department, because the department and apparently you don't know about this requirement..... SEE MY PROBLEM!!!!!
See my frustration with PSOB??????? PSOB stated that my brother and I qualify under the #4 that you found except that in #4 life insurance policy information with the beneficaries had to be on file with San Bernardino County Fire Agency... But they are unawre of this requirement as are other "agencies" so they denied our claim on that only. I am needing letters from other Fire agencies stating that fact that they are also unaware of this requirement of life insurance to be on file with there fire agency inable to get the PSOB benefit.
thank you for your work but bottom line PSOB itself is telling us that is a requirement and they are aware they have a problem, that is why I am reaching out to the fire community for there help, the more letters I can get stating that other fire agencies are unaware of the requirement of the life insurance policy to be "One file with the fire/officer's agency the better chances we have in changing this law around.
Yes, I was 42 at my father death, but do qualify under provision#4. My father left a life insuracne policy of not very much money but nonthe less a policy that stated my brother and myself as beneficaries, it just was never asked for or even known to be filed with the fire agency that my father worked for 28 years and died in the line of duty period....
We have received additional updated letters from San Bernardino County FD and others stating that "they do not retain any documentation of employee's beneficiary designations for the purpose of obtaining Public Safety Officers Benefits nor are they aware of any requirement to maintain such documentation." They further go on to state that they were unaware that claims would be denied benefits through the PSOB if a beneficiary designation was not on file.

That being the response from several departments, it remains clear that a problem existed with the "outreach" effort made (if any) to inform both employers & employees of the added requirements.
Can you tell how where you notified about keeping beneficary information on file with your agency and when????
So I see that the firefighter community doen't care about this issue????? No one seems to want to help.


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