Wisconsin Farmers, Firefighters Work on Hazard Pre-Plans
QR codes among the many features to help deliver information to firefighters.

In this undated photo provided by the National Farm Medicine Center is a sample from the Farm MAPPER database showing icons representing farm animals, chemicals, power sources and other dangers on an aerial view of a farm. The organization is working with farmers and firefighters in Wisconsin to develop digital maps that firefighters can use to avoid hazards when they respond to calls on farms. (AP Photo/National Farm Medicine Center)

The concept is simple: Farmers enter information into a password-protected database. A Quick Response, or QR, code is posted on the farm's mailbox or in another prominent location. Arriving firefighters scan the code with their smartphones or tablets and receive information about stored chemicals and other hazards, where to disconnect power and potential sources of water.

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How does your department gather and share farm hazard information for pre-plans?

In light of the West, Texas fertilizer plant fire and explosion, has your department done a better review of similar hazards in your response area?

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We use the old filing cabinet in back of the command car.  We do walk-throughs of industrial properties and they have to give us a list of all dangerous goods updated every year.  We are a rural area and a few of us are farmers, so we try to give the other members a little insight to what they may find on a farmstead.  None of that means much to a city kid, and the new technology would be great for getting everyone on the same page in regards to the dangers.  I especially love the symbol for the manure pit!


Is the information you collect shared with mutual aid departments? How often is it updated?


If they ask they can have it but as far as I know we don't send the information out to them.  We leave it up to the first arriving officer to check the records and have dispatch relay the information to the mutual aid departments.  It would make sense to have the neighboring two departments have the same info as us and vice versa.  The industrial data is updated every year.  The businesses are required to come up with a current inventory and send us a list along with MSDS sheets.  It is up to us to then do a walk through and identify the inventory and make a preplan.   

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