I don't know if this has been addressed in future forums or not but I need some feed back on what other departments require their members to wear as a mininum during auto extrication and opions on rescue gloves vs. fire gloves during extrication.

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And apparently over his head.
I don't know about you, but I wear a vest if I'm in an alley. I like to be seen when there's even a small chance that a vehicle could approach our scene.
Actually, if you drive faster than the speed of light, you can (theoretically) make time run backwards.

That means that there are also two ways to check on HISTORICAL posts - drive faster than the speed of light, go back in time, and read them in real time, or just use the SEARCH function and pull up the old archives.
That's an old school trick that I used before the BSI-resistant Ringer's extrication gloves were available.
Actually, the NFPA does keep up with a great many new products. Virtually all of the manufacturing and testing standards committees have heavy representation from the manufacturers.

That gets them several things - performance standards against which their products are tested and certified, a consensus of how rugged the equipment should be, and a common way to measure industry best practices.
well in my crew I make them even if they dont want to is full Turn-out gear HELMET!!! structure helmet is a requierement mmm, boots fire boots instead of fire gloves , extracation gloves; and high visibility vest and for the ones that are medics we put them aside and make them wait to extract them they get allowed if they just want latex gloves thats fine but full ppe oh and one more thing googles instead of sunglasses very important GOOGLES

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