Question from a reader on a recent Facebook post

Bunker Gear Transfer: The Invisible Danger

This video demonstrates processes of cross-contamination from bunker gear to individuals, equipment, the fire station, personal vehicles, and even family members. MORE

"A question for departments that routinely respond in below freezing temps. Anybody out there doing close to what is being done here in the north? How do you handle this process? We've progressed to 2 sets of gear, washing all gear after fires and burn drills and trying to gross decon at scene when temps allow. I have a hard time figuring logistically how to accomplish this in a 10 below wind chill in the snow?"

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We have chosen to just conduct a dry decon with a brush in freezing weather. We unfortunately have not finished purchasing a second set of gear for each member, but that is in progress. There is no sense soaking our members when they may have to go back out in the weather for another incident. It is a work in progress. 

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