Hey guys, new to the site.

Wondering if any of you guys use lights on your personal vehicles. We use all blue lights here in SW PA. If any of you do, does any know how to make the led grill lights made by galls alternate?

Stay Safe Guys,


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Don't have any advice but just poppin' in to say that volunteers in our county, Polk County (Georgia), are not allowed to have ANY emergency lights on our POVs. It sucks...especially because whenever you are in the biggest of hurries, you get the slowest person on the road in front of you in an area where you can't pass 'em!
Everyone here uses POV with lights. A lot of lightbars but an equal amount of "undercover" led and stobes Our color here is red. There are flashers for LED that alternate I have one in my POV. Research them on the web. I am sure a local dealer is around also. My flasher came from West Chattum Emergency equipt in Augusta GA. It is a "ShoME" Multi pattern about $10.00
Try these guys. They are in Arkansas, and we use pov lights here. (They have to be red or white) I know these guys personally and they can answer your question. http://www.dgemergencylights.com

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