For those of you who believe there is no racism or discrimination in America's Fire departments, think again. Poor Man's Lotto: Memoirs of a Black Firefighter in America brings to light the racial predjudices that are still part of this courageous group of men. Now only if they can find the courage to face their discriminatory practices. As Former Director of Emergency Services and Homeland Security, it disturbs me greatly and deeply that this continues to be a norm in this agency. Hopefully, Poor Man's Lotto will open not only your eyes but also your minds. Personally, I would be scared to go into a hazardous environment knowing how some of you really feel about Blacks!

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One funny yet not so funny scenario was the 20/20 eyesight, yet there was a white guy working there with one F!@@#kn eye! Now that's some funny shit ain't it! I guess one good white eye is better than two black eyes? HMMMM!

And what were the circumstances involved? 20/20 could be per eye. Secondly if these are just the requirements to get on the job, who is to say this person didn't suffer an injury on the job? Should the person be given a disability retirement even though he could probably do the job? I bet the ADA would also have something to say about that. Was this just about hiring a white guy with one eye vs a black guy with 2 or is there more to this story than what is divulged?
Hey Web Chief....end this crap you really want to see where it is going to go....? I'm not the brightest crayon in the box and I have a very good really don't want to see it.....Paul
closest this bird has come to a "hazardous environment" is going home late and facing his wife...or the risk of a paper cut in the office....ENOUGH ALREADY.....PLEASE...!!! Paul
I like this statement way better that "that guys an idiot"
Where IS it going to go? Shutting it down because you 'think' it's going somewhere is censorship. Given that no one has been hurt and despite what was claimed earlier I didn't see any profanity (shit doesn't count, does it?) and it's been nothing more than what's occurred in other discussions. So why shut it down? Just because it has to do with racism? Bit of an ostrich reaction if you ask me.
I agree with you Jack. I think this has been one of the most delightful forum postings in a long time. It didnt go the way it was planned but WE ALL have had somthing to add to it in a constructive matter. I think thats what made it interesting.

But im waiting on the opinion of Kali. Accually, I just wanted her to read every post I made and used proper punctuation, capitilization, and had complete sentences.
Seems like everyone is half and half on whether this discussion will continue...we'll keep it open through the weekend unless something off the wall happens and then see where things are.

The original post clearly is inflammatory to rile people up, the discussion has been productive in ways (and not in others) ... so....we'll see what happens next.
Ernest, I appreciate your honesty and hold nothing against you, or your book. I would feel the same way if a publisher of my book used me, or a book I wrote, to vent personal issues. Good luck with your book! In the future, you might want to choose a different publisher??? Stay safe.
Thank you Alan. I know I came off as a racist and that's truly not who I am. Like I said, I've been under some stress lately and lost my cool and professionalism. In my dept. that considered conduct unbecomming an officer. I apologize to all for my ignorance.

Stay safe brothers!!!
I have stayed out of the discussion for my reasons.
Mainly, because I have seen this type of "bait and switch" many times. Not my first rodeo.
I disagree that it is no longer about your book.
Unfortunately, it is. It's about sales.
Perhaps your publisher was hoping to sell a few copies here.
That said; at this late date, you may find it hard to disassociate yourself from your publisher.
Good luck.
It has been, hasn't it gentlemen! Thanks Jackand Loyd. Hope they don't ostricize you guys for understanding this forum. As for Rusty, This is not a personal issue. And for the one who thinks I spent my time in the office, for the record, I used to go to every fire anytime of the night and stay long after you guys demobilized and made sure everyone impacted by the fire was taken care of by the American Red Cross, and wouldn't leave until everyone had a place to stay and was processed. Recognize!
You know, a number of people have stated that, as a result of Peter's bullshit they would be disinclined to buy Ernest's book. Seems a bit unfair to punish one person for the actions of another. As Ernest IS a firefighter and this is something that HE has written (and lived through), I think under a different set of circumstance a lot of people in here would be advocates for his book.

I see no reason to blackball Ernest and his accomplishments simply because of the rudeness of his publisher. Who knows, if he sells enough books then maybe a major publisher will pick him up. In any event, I am against a boycott and think that people should be a bit more forgiving, and help out one of OUR brothers. Just my opinion.

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