I am trying to get into a paramedic course and have passed the written and practical exams. All I have left is an oral board interview in a couple weeks. Does anyone know what type of questions are asked?
Haven't heard of this kind of testing just to get into a paramedic course, but have to say I like the approach. Most paramedic programs tend to just require one to be an EMT_B minimum prior to enrolling and such as the case near me, one can finish EMT in a semester and the next semester, roll into paramedic without having any field experience.
So, given what is mentioned here, I would be that if there is such testing in place, I would look at the requirements for the course and base questions from there. So if the program asks you to be an EMT-B, then the questions asked most likely would stem from that. Since you are not a paramedic, I would doubt the questions to get in the program would entail any paramedic specifics. I would say go back and hone up on pt assessment skills, know your SAMPLE and OPQRST stuff and go over the basics.