I have been a Veteran EMS worker for 7yrs as well as having a cert in Arson investigating.  I am working as a Security Officer right now due to budget cuts and you know habits are habits and i love being in the Emergency field something has turned my Stomach.  On making one of my many patrols i found one of the main back gates completely secure you cant even open it. and you might think okay what is wrong with that? Well nothing but i am going to add a pic and you tell me. That is a housing area in the back of that fence and there is an apartment complex to the right of the fence too. and no there is no knox boxes for keys for that lock

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Have you asked the first due house if they know about it? If they do I'm sure they have a plan to deal with it. Also is this a Apartment complex your in or a comercial building lot?
apartment complex
Is this located in a career FD first due area or volunteer?
dont laugh but it is in a career FD.
Why would I laugh? It isn't about c vs v, it is just the fact of touching on what 55 Truck asked. Chances are there is probably a preplan associated with this building and things taken into account. Perhaps there is more to the picture than what you really are seeing. Not that volly depts can't preplan, but when one is responding regularly doing inspections, doing preplans, etc, you get a better sense of your area, vs meeting twice a month type of thing.

Part of that plan may go to what I suggested earlier, that with water supply issues, rescue and exposures becomes the priority and if the building is lost, then it is lost. My guess is codes today are more involved when the building was built and may have met standards, but to replace one may mean upgrades, of which the owner just doesn't want to do.

The whole point here is that it is difficult to discern what is really going on with the one picture and limited info. Yes the hydrant in the picture appear to have an issue, but maybe it doesn't. It could be just as good at providing water, but just not appealing. There may be politics at play here as well and because there may be water supply issues here, may not mean that more hydrants would be installed. Just the point is perhaps check the preplan, because these issues may already be addressed.

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