I have noticed on here that the quality of posts are starting to slip. Someone will ask a question and a few people will try and help them. Then a bunch of people pile on with negative stuff. Granted I haven't been a member on here all that long, but I have seen several people who have never said anything positive or helpful. I guess I don't understand why someone would waste their time coming on here just to tell everyone how screwed up they are everyday. There is lots of helpful people on here, and I enjoy coming on and adding my two cents to discussions, but the negative people need to lighten up and not take themselves so seriously. I can't imagine what sad hate filled lives they must lead, and they muct be an absolute joy to work with. Just my observations, take it as you will. I'm sure the angry people will pile on this too, so have fun. And everyone be safe out there! 

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Well put Greenman, thank you. I'm all for some good natured ribbing, put don't stand for bullying in my fire house. And i've told all my probies to come to me if the ribbing is getting out of hand. So far all has been good, but I wouldn't have a problem taking someone aside and telling then to settle down. I treat all my "ducklings" equally and fairly, but a good ribbing when they do something goofy in training comes with the job. And I feel it builds respect and brotherhood, and hopefully helps them remember the training a little better when shit hits fan.
Greenman that was a really good post because its so true.
Basically I feel that most of the people doing this are youngsters in the fire service. In stead of teaching them its more like "let me show you how much you dont know". My theory is basically -Probie thinks he knows it all,,,5 years in the service "ok--so maybe i dont know it all--but i know alot,,,10 years of service "ok - i dont know alot but i know most of it" ,,20 years of service "holy crap--i dont know shit".. the more time you have on the more you realize how much there is to learn.
Realy great post Ive had a couple of post on here and all Ive got out of them is an ass rippin. To tell you the truth these people realy are makeing a bad name for themselves and the fire sevice as a whole.

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