I have worked my fair share of details.  Air shows, large occupancy permits with pyrotechnics, etc. I also understand that FD details can be boring at times,


But when things go bad, it can be dangerous. To me this video is a classic example why we train to don your gear for time?





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am I being a bit simple here but if your brigade is asked to be on standby at a special event for emergency response, especially one such as .......... ohhhh I don't know ..... lets say motor sport ........... when things can and do go wrong very very quickly that when you are standing by you should be in some form of PPE ......... that way when you do have to go to work you are prepared? ........... or is that expecting too much?
In answer to Jack/dt...
Nah.. just a Corvette with a blower/supercharger.. runs on pump gas and maybe with NO2 injection... if that were a Mustang, it would be tragic! ; ^ )
We have worked a few demo derbys and Races before and in every case every member that was on scene was in full PPE with airpacks ( not on air we arent yard breathers) and it was for this very instance right here.. you train to prepare for the worst and when it does happen you fall back on your training. I cant advise why these people thought they could do any good with no gear on and using the wrong substance to put the fire out
What if the car was running on methanol? He could have been engulfed in fire at any second and not know it until he started cooking.


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