Here's another story of a homeowner who didn't pay the subscription fee for fire protection, believing that, if he had a fire, the fire department would come anyway.

He was wrong.

This follows the same line of thinking of districts who shut down their departments, believing that, if they needed fire protection, they could rely on mutual aid.

What is wrong with that thinking?

Read the story from Tennessee:



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So your point is that you feel that firemen ARE super heroes.  Scary that you would think so. 


That is exactly what was going through my mind last night. I just hadn't posted it.

You summed it up very well.


just found this and had to add it to your post, never did i personaly impose the thought of considering myself or any others a superhero( unless you are spiderman), i just thought it was funny..

I feel that Firefighters are more then that, they are crazy everyday folk's who face all kinds of danger and keep coming back for more....LOL





Thanks.  As usual, there's always more to a story than may be initially posted.  For many of us, a little research and information goes a long way.  For others, it just gets in the way of having a really good, uninformed opinion.

[quote] Don't be too down on "Obama's" bailout. It seems to have not only worked better than expected, but cost us (taxpayers) next to nothing, and may even turn a profit.,Author... I put Obama in quotes because TARP (the bailout legislation) was passed in 2008 under Bush.[end of quote]


You mean to tell me that you can feel The Anointed One's progressive programs clear over in the Down Under?

You aren't trying to yank my chain, are you?

Or are you naturalized in this country?

What gives?



For others, it just gets in the way of having a really good, uninformed opinion.


Because that would just get in the way of barking dogs.

Hmmm...where have I heard that before?

comes down to what your chief or ic tells ya what to do....

Years ago I was visiting in Florida and saw large amounts of smoke a few miles away and followed the smoke. When I got close there were 3 city units, 2 engines and a truck, sitting alongside the road with firefighters sitting on running boards. Ahead about 100 feet away was a 4 story wood frame under construction apartment building fully involved. When I asked why they had not pulled a line they told me that they were parked at the city line and could not cross it. They also told me that the builder had elected to place his building outside the city limits to save taxes. A long while later, a county brush truck with 1 firefighter showed up and wet down the remains with tank water.

The morals to this tale are that people do have choices; fire rescue services do cost money for somebody everywhere. Taxpayers pay for services they receive if their local government provides those services. Those taxpayers have a right to expect that the services they pay for will be available to THEM when they need them. Historically, when a property is outside of an area where fire protection is provided to them by their local government citizens examine the most effective and efficient way to protect their properties. Some form their own fire departments, some pay other departments for protection through fees or taxes and the really smart folks actually protect their own homes with automatic sprinkler systems even if they have a fire station next-door.

Yes! There are those who do not trust government; those who do not want anything from government; those who do not pay their taxes; those who think that they are on a solitary island where they can fend only for themselves; those who think they have it all and those without care for others;

Usually they all remember the Golden Rule immediately after they face tragedy.

We all live and die by the choices we make.


It's exactly that kind of 'humor' that many buy into.  And yes you did "personaly impose the thought of considering myself or any others a superhero" simply by posting that cartoon.


And if I thought that any of the firemen in my department were "crazy everyday folk's" I'd be tying them down to their seat and not let them off the rig.  This is NOT a job for crazy people, yet another common misperception that only serves egos.

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