New Hampshire (Merrimak FD 1st in the nation to adopt the KEY 2 LIFE MEDICAL ACCOUNTABILITY TAG..

The Merrimak Fire Department in New Hampshire is the first department in the Nation to Adopt the SGMS "Key 2 Life" Medical Accountability Tag" for all their personnel. This MAT tag is a specially designed USB Medi-Chip (similar to your Scott Packs) that holds a firefighter's complete medical history. Everything from Allergies to Medications, X-rays to EKG's MRI's to CT Scans, Physician contacts to emergency contacts, EMT Incident form, ICD 9/10 codes, billing program, cardiac program, wound care program and so much more.
At the scene the firefighters place their MAT tag on the Accountability board so the Chief or Capt. knows where everyone is, if a firefighter is injured the Capt pulls the Mat tag off and attaches it directly to the firefighter via our carabiner which is atttached to the Mat tag. This way as soon as the injured firefighter is placed in ambulance the EMT's can plug in his chip to the computer in their rig and instantly know what the person's medical conditiion is , allergies medications etc and start lifesaving treatment. Often by the time they get to the hospital the firefighter is stablized and believe it or not on the road to recovery, ALL BECAUSE THE EMT's HAD THE MEDICAL HISTORY RIGHT THEN AND THERE.

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I guess things must come full circle. What's old is new. But one thing I can say, is that this is a true lifesaver, because you can plug it into the pc in the bus and instantly see everything even ekg strips and x-rays. While your idea was good at the time paper has a way of getting wet, smudged etc while this is waterproof and crush proof. I have 15 different products geared from basic (kids and teens ) to young adults, the to the Yuppie generation Gen x, and the seniors.. Each version adds more items such as coding billing,, detailed lab reports,, a cardiac program, wound care (diabetic) program, pain program and the likes. I am constantly updating the programs at least 3 times a year as more and more information is being asked of the patients. doctor's don't want to do the task of getting the info, they want it handed to them on a silver platter, so I give it to them. They don't realize that every time they plug our chip into their pc, they make anywhere from $42 to $125...
By the way , if you are interested in picking up some extra bucks, I can show you how you can. I discount the chips to th FFN members and IAFF ff's, but to lay personnel you can charge $40-45 and your cost is $20. You don't have to stock anything because I drop ship and all you do is send me an email with the order and I ship it out the same day and send you an email with an invoice and confirmation of shipment . You then have 15 days to pay me.. If interested my email is Hell sell just 10 a week and you have $200 . do that every month and it pays for your new car or mortgage...
Thanks for the response. Norman
Hate to burst the bubble but a very similiar but far less "technologically advanced" tag system has been around for long time. Clemens Industries PAS-V Accountability System was a manual accountability tag system that the accountability tag held vital personal and medical information laminated (sealed) inside the tag and the EMT or doctors could cut it open with scizzors. Family hx, doctor contact info, blood type, medical conditions, religious faith and allergies to medications etc.

Used in New Hampshire and all over the country for a very longtime. Not to mention, as the press release states critical instances the EMT may choose to not take the time to hook this up to a computer because certain instances our treatment will not be effected by the info. The other side I see is many ambulances are still NOT operating with a computer or PC in the rig so your chip has limitations to the end user.

Every ambulance has scizzors...

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