Hey whats up guys and girls, my name is Jordan and I'm the new Fire Explorer Trainee for the San Bernardino County Fire Department. I havn't even started my first day yet, my first day is on May 1rst. I was just wondering what can I be expecting. What is it like? They want me to bring $70, what do you guys think its for? How should I physically prepare for it? thanks guys and girls!

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Money is probably to cover the cost of insurance.
1. Network with other recruits to help keep you informed and motivated.
2. Visit every fire station in the department to become familiar with all of their locations and equipment types.
3. Create a personal notebook filled with facts about the stations, equipment, personnel, resources, locations, etc.
4. Make contact with the Rio Hondo Academy or whichever one is closest to find out specifics on preparing for the PT

Good luck with your career and kudos for using this site to better prepare yourself for the experience and adventure.

The money maybe for your training books.
okay good info guys, what is your guys' physical ability test like?
You'll be VERY VERY VERY confused at first. I've been with our explorer group for almost four years, and i'm still learning stuff every meet and day I go up there. You'll always learn something, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
Sure all the other older explorers and myself look at the new guys and laugh when they ask the most obvious questions, but you don't know any better. One day you'll be the one in charge of an Explorer group if you pay attention, you never know.
The money for us was for your shirt, your insurance, and it goes into the fund we have for gear, trips, and whatever else we need.

As far as "physically preparing"...you're not going to be dragging bodies out of skyscrapers any time soon, we have a number of kids under 100 lbs on our department, and they do fine.

Good luck, and hope you have fun!
the money is for the pizza you have to buy as a cadet those are your dues good luck and be safe brother
Jordan you are entering the wold of fire fighting which if you see fit will be the most rewarding career you can choose. Yes ask questions but the most important thing is to listen to the other fire fighters and learn what you can . Read all you're able to and drill seriously. There is lots of good advice on this site as long as you ask fire oriented questions, not what color is your helmet or what are your jrs allowed to do it's been done to death . Good luck and train hard.
I'm not sure what the money is for, my post is only $20/year!!!! Physically, eh just be in shape i guess. It's a big learning exerience, after training you'll be like "oh i need to work on this or that" ya know? Dont be stressed jst be excited! It's awesome! Be sure to ask lots of questions, it's not good to sit through a lecture and then be clueless in training, and LISTEN. You get the best advice and learn the most from the people who've been doin it for years!
My post- we have our own gear, we do smoke mazes, SCBA, ladder and tool training, extrication, CPAT (which is HARD the first time, looks easy ha its not!) pretty much everything. We also were CPR AED and first aid certified. Word of advice- pick a partner you get along with lol otherwise it makes things difficult. Oh and there's nominations, for post captain and lieutanant (however you spell that) I'm LT Just pay attention, be respectful, say thankyou to the crews that help out and DONT TEXT during lectures lol it drives me crazy when ppl do that, it's disrespectful. Have fun let me know how it goes! p.s. be ready to make mistakes. But dont dwell on them, you learn from them

Like said before go in with a "keep your mouth shut ears open attitude". What drives me nuts when I try to help a JR or explorer out and they keep making stupid ass remarks or act like they know it all. Yes some drills you may do over and over and over again, but all that your leaders are trying to do is make it second nature for you so when the time comes for you to do it in a real situation you won't freak out or anything. If your just going down to hang out think of 5 firefighter related questions to ask. Never quit learning there's always something new to learn. Give the the perspective that you wanna be there don't make it feel your just wasting there time. Also if your going down just to hang out pick up a broom and sweep the bays or wash the trucks. Stay safe and welcome to the brother/sisterhood and good luck with your career.
the money is for insurance. it a lot of fun just listen to te officers and do what you are told.you will learn alot.have fun.
Have fun, wished I had gotten into fire service when I was young, Now that I am closer to retirement I finally figure out Fire/Rescue is pure fun. Give back to the world around you.

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