Hello all.  I have a special request for any and all information about used engines.


We had our pump tests this past Tuesday, our pumper/tanker passed, but our attack engine failed.  The impeler is bad, which would run us $30,000 to replace according to a few mechanics we use.  The truck is a 1986 GMC commercial 2 man cab front mount pump, 1000/1000.  We now only have our pumper/tanker which is primarily used for tanker shuttle ops at structures, 2001 KME 1500/2000 commercial 2 man cab.  We are currently using it as our attack engine and hoping that our mutual aid will respond quickly with additional tankers.


Does anyone have a used engine for sale or know of anyone in the New York area that is selling one?  We have a very small budget to begin with, and on top of that we were in the process of getting a new ambulance to replace our aging one that does more calls a month than our fire dept does.  It breaks down on most of our EMS calls and is getting worse, so replacing that has been our priority for a few months now...Now this...


Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Let me know here, or send me a PM to get my email and we will communicate that way.  We are open to any and all help available as we are desparate to replace the engine.  Thanks to all and stay safe.



Captain, Carlisle FD

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My chiefs email is avfd620@hotmail.com.
We are planning on selling our pumper tanker.6 man cab. We ordered a new one. Mine is avfdpres@hotmail.com. He should be able to give you more info.

I know this is a bit of a long shot, but have u tried looking around on the internet at all for used fire trucks that are being sold? I'm sure if you emailed them and told them your story, I'm sure someone would be able to work something out with you and your department.

Good luck in your hunt and hope it all works out in the end.
Check out www.gov-deals.com they have engines listed from all over the United States. You might find one clost to your location....May be a shot in the dark but you may get lucky......
Thanks for your info guys!

Last night I spoke to an assistant chief in my area (NY) and his department is being gracious and generous enough to give us their old engine for practically nothing. We are still working out details and need to wait for a meeting next week but these guys are saving our lives. Its times like these that remind us that the brotherhood still exists and its still strong. Thanks to these guys we might have an engine to use for atleast the nest few years so we can work towords saving for a newer rig.

Thanks again for the help everyone, I will let you know if the deal is final or not, but thank you very much.
Stay Safe

Captain Carlisle FD

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