It was brought up to me in another posting something about mowing the grass at City Hall. Good Idea? I dunno maybe, maybe not. Afterall some City Halls have a lot of grass. A neighboring County has about 2 acres in front of the Admin Building, so maybe not in that case.
So City Hall...i don't know. I will tell you this however. Oh before I start again let me apologize for being so "old skool" or "salty" or whatever...just my opinions.....
Here in Souther California, I see very few fire departments that mow the grass at their OWN stations!!!!! Why you may ask. Because the guys over at Station 2, or 9, or 25, or 44 or wherever complained that they had more lawn to mow then the crew over at 1's or 17 or 96 or wherever. So now we all have a gardening service. yes, God forbid that a paid professional firefighter may have to actually take care and maintain their own goshdarn firehouse....oh excuse I have been corrected by my "younglings" here. We have fire stations. A house is where they still live with mom and dad. This is my "house" it has been my "house" since the day I walked in and will be so until the day I die (knock on wood..a ladder maybe) Wood ladders a whole nother diatribe!
Anyways, one of our crew, in his mid to late 20's suggested that we have a cleaning crew come in and clean the station too. Afterall, if we are subject to calls, we may not have time to finish (HUH?)
So I'm imagining that we should have all our meals catered as well. In some houses they are just shy of that as all they ever do is "eat out". No sharing time as you prepare, cook, eat and cleanup. I know the young guys love it...afterall...No time in the suds!!!!! Ya just can't beat that.
Soooooooooooooooo. We don't maintain the station (not house), we dont cook, we don't clean, we don't sit around with each other...But oh he** yes we are a brotherhood!!!!! Ah yes this is where we have come. We have us to blame for this because we let it happen. Didnt want to step on anyones toes along the way. Didnt want to offend!
Gardeners! Ya gotta be kiddin me!