Confused as to why some Firefighters on our Department get stuck doing all the jobs and some are just there for the "glory jobs". It's all the way up the ranks. Question is how does your department deal with this?

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oh well
We're struggling with the same issue right now, I believe we are going to "restructure" our ranks next year however
We've had that problem also in our dept. Several years ago we started going through a big change in our officer staff and that has helped a lot. The Chief has tightened down on things and has weeded out the bad apples. We are currently seeing more members showing up trainings, details, and runs. Has really been a positive thing for our dept.
Question is how does your department deal with this?

With leadership ans seniority. A good leader is not about the disparity of jobs, when it comes to the job, we should know each other's job. However, station duties are about seniority, meaning the new/youngest person knows their job is cleaning the bathrooms.
We've got a few bad apples now, and also the rules and SOG's haven't been enforced like they should have this past year or so. Members aren't showing up near as frequent as we actually need them, and maybe 7-10 out of our 35 members are carrying the whole load of the department. As of next year though, the bad apples will be weeded out, we will enforce our SOG's the way they should be, including some new rules in the making. Everyone will be assigned their own duties for the department, and there will be requirements for members to stay on our rosters. Until now Officers haven't had many specific duties, but that will change next year, those positions are there for a purpose. These are some of our plans for straightening up the department, they are pretty basic, but maybe they could help your department as well.
It the 70/30 rule.

30 percentage actually carry the department, and 70 percent like the glory without any of the behind the scenes hard work.
sounds like a way to be going wish that would happen around here. We have officers that are the biggest problems

Some people are just that way. Nothing you can do to change it.

I always figured screw it, if they aren't going to work, I'll do it so I can go home.
Mason you hit the nail dead on there. We have a really hard time out of 40 active memebers...maybe 5 do the day to day things that keep the rigs rolling. However when the gong trips and they say Fire they all come running. And our biggest issue is the officers. They like the title but don't want any of the responsibily...and the chief needs to see that they are not good leaders. But then again he isn't the best either.
We have set up duty crews 9 years ago each crew has an officer they are there 1 nite a week crews run every night from 6 30 to 10 30 pm except saturday. The officers are no longer elected because of friends they are elected because they can do the job. If the officer is not training his men it shows everybody else in the company at a fire and it falls back on the officer. We have 55 sets of gear and average 20 to 25 for bs runs at least 30 for a job and at least 35 for drills. I am the longest running Chief of the dept going into my 11th year if a officer is slacking he is told at line meetings if he cant toe the line I will ask him to step up or step
Basically for us it works out that if your training often then you get picked frist for the jobs. And if you havent been training and ask why you weren't picked for the job you get told plain and simple you need to train more.
I think this is a problem all over! Just keep doing what you are doing! The morons will eventually get weeded out! The fire service is changing fast and they will not be able to keep up!!

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