Hello Everyone I'm New To This Forum And Have A Few Questions. I would like to start some type of fire protection company that protects peoples home when there is a wildfire. If possible i would like to post up on there property with my truck. My crew will consist of 4 qualified personal; 1) EMT trained and certified (Will not see fire action on standby for medical).- 2) Two Trained and certified Fire Fighters Basic Training (Both worked for CA forestry) . 3) And a driver for the rig. So my questions would be what major companies do this? Is it possible for me to do this? What licensing do i need? Can i respond code 3 to my clients property? Is this a good idea? I'm sure more questions will arise. Any help will be great. Thank You!! -Trevor
What wildland fire experience do you have? I was wondering if you have extended attack and structure protection experience. Have you taken NWCG's S-215 "Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface." If the guys have worked for CDF they probably have. Have you spoken to some fire departments and fire management officers in your area to get some feedback? Sounds like a great idea. Should work and worth a try, but you know how some politics of territorial departments and FMO's can be.
Tindell- I personally only have experience with wildland fire and some structure protection training i did two seasons with CDF as a volunteer and i mainly just cut lines. So i would be in the rig driving. My other two guys that will see most of the fire action they have structure protection experience first hand and i just called my buddy Mitch that has most of the training and he said he has not taken the "NWCG's S-215" course but may look into it. Right now its just a idea i still don't know how to charge the clients what the price should be? Everything is still in the air. I have talked with some CDF and some of my county buds and they give me crap for it but truly they stand by me on it.