The Marine Corps values "Honor, courage, and commitment". Marine’s way of living, and Firefighters way of living. It's what gets the job done on the battle field, and on the fire grounds. Marines and firefighters are forged from the same raw steel! SEMPER FIDELIS to all my brothers and sisters!

Views: 133

Replies to This Discussion

What happened to my comment?
i don't know. What comment are you talking about? I see one you left on marine firefighter. I did erase some coments but didn't think there was anything from you on my page. If so i appologize I'm still trying to learn my way around this site.
Maybe FF Cole can enlighten me. I'll wait.

In the meantime, my comment was a reminder to you that the M in Marine is always upper-case. So is the C in Corps. Also, the Marine Corps' motto is Semper Fidelis. What motto are you referring to?
You are right the Marine Corps motto is Semper Fidelis, latin for always faithful. As for the capital letters, I appologize i was in the field not at the desk so i make mistakes from time to time. haha Although i do feel like an idiot for not catching that myself when normally it would have been me calling out someone else.
I have made the appropriate corrections.
Not quite, Devil Dog. Re-read your post. (And it's honor, not hon(e)r.) Let's get it squared away.
hows that? Thats what I get for typing something up at the end of a busy 24, and can't even see straight haha.
You're killing me. I'll give you one more shot at this and then I'll have to stomp your guts out if you don't get it un-fucked.
West philly thinking that u r a caption u would be tending to your house and not the computer for with out your men your not a captin if you were a Marine than you would have learned that in Boot
On the road to day so just saw that was a miss spell Captain my fault I guess that is what happens when u type on phone not desk top like to be where the action is not at a desk
Jesus H. Christ, Cole! What the hell are you talking about?


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