Some excerpts from an article in today's paper. This Captain is retiring after 36 years.


“We’re in the bad-day business,” said Lozano. “If you’re not going to do it with a smile on your face, then this isn’t the place to be. And we learned that from him.”


With only a handful of shifts left in his career, the captain is still the first on the truck when the alarm sounds. Lozano said if Haynes isn’t the first on board, which is rare, he is the first to comment on it. He continually jokes with his team, even on the busiest of days.

“It can be 3 o’clock in the morning after the 20th call and he’d be smiling. It’s good to be around someone like that,” said Bobby Marshall, a firefighter at the station. “It’s contagious. He makes the whole crew positive.”



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Making it to close to 30 years never stopped me from smiling and realizing that I was living the dream. I'd like to share my favorite saying that I have used for years...

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice..."

Being nice, which includes being positive is everyone's job. There's too many things out there that are negative to begin with. No sense contributing to more negativity... It accomplished nothing positive.

Lead, follow or get out of the way! but... have fun in the process and never take yourself too seriously... just being yourself, having the chance to make a difference, to extend a hand to someone in need, to comfort a child or simply be a nice person. It's what we do.

Live the dream!

I try to always be nice, listen, or be the smile or shoulder the person we were called out to needs. Some of the guys joke that I know everyone in town and can name all the grandkids of our elderly residents. We have all gotten the call the elderly man/woman calls cause their chest hurts they smell smoke, whatever then you get there and relize they are lonley more than something was wrong. So what if the truck Im on is on scene 10 min longer than some others, I hope that if my parents, myself, or my kids are ever in need of time more than aid someone is just as willing to give a few minutes as they are to vent my living room.
We're very fortunate to have a guy like that on our department also. Makes it bearable when the going gets tough.

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