Hey, well i have to write a an editorial on an important topic. SInce i am a member of the Bagdad fire protection district junior program i chose the topic of juniors being pulled from school to go on calls. However i cant find really reliable information on the actual dept.'s that pull students from school so i need your help. I need:

statistics for how mant departments pull juniors from class

Regulations for what kind of call and if the time of the day makes a difference as to if they are pulled out of class

age limits on being pulled from class

if a drivers license is required to leave class

if missed work can be made up

excused absence?

if red/blue lights are given for personal vehicle use from school to a fire scene

what types of call they can respond to during school hours

and anything else you think might be relevant to my topic
Thank you so very much, stay safe

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I live in Wyoming. We just have to have them on the lowest setting possible and when we hear/feel it we have to leave the room then if it is something we cannot go to, we have to turn our pager off but can turn it back on later in the day or if we know when the call is over. We also have to have good grades, which goes along with the school. Let me know if you want any more info :)
I Am in NY And The Policy for our exploer post ois that we can not carry pagers in school. We can not leave school For a call except if the chief calls the school and says he needs us. (which has never happend surprisingly) As much as i sit in studyhalls and lisen to the firerwhisle go off and see the ft go by i would like to leave. But i am also the person where if i was able to leave and i wasent doing good in a calass at the time of the whislei would stay until i got ouyt of that class TO leave. I Think that my post just needs to get some things changed like we have an advisors wife that works in r school and she wants us to be able to carry pagers and as long as shes free for a period and we get toned out she could drive us there and then we ride back on trucks

School,Family, Then Your Second Family
isn't that precious
Our Juniors are not even permitted to take their pagers to school with them, so the subject of them leaving school at all for calls is moot.

There was a case in the 1970s where I believe the high school was "raided" for teen power. There was an enormous forest fire burning a few miles away and everyone who could walk and talk was pressed into service.
exactly what are you talking about
our jr.s are not allowed to run calls from school. they also must keep up their grades and to me education is more important once they are out of school they can run calls a plenty. when they do run calls its only fires and MVA's if they are on a fire they stay at the truck or with the chief or officer who is not directly involved with the fire attack. on a MVA they are normally put on traffic control they are not allowed to run emergency traffic until they are 18 years old.
Were you talking To Me?
I'm an active member of a small town volunteer department. I also happen to work at the local school where we have several students who are junior members for about three different departments.

I completely understand the "Get in school, stay in school" mentality, but in small towns, with volunteer organizations- often times the junior members make up much of the manpower responding during the day. Granted, they're not going interior or doing anything that can jeopardize their safety, but the school readily allows them to respond- with a letter from the station chief.

If you're in a bigger district where you've got a good body of responders who can show up during the day, then there isn't much need for juniors to show up, but when you're in an area starved for volunteers, you're grateful to have anyone show up.

I'll put it this way: If we were to have a real decent sized emergency here to the point where all available manpower needed to be called out- it would automatically have to be a three alarm call for the necessary bodies. That's the situation we're in.

My department has only three juniors in the school, and they've never been called out. The neighboring dept, which the school sits in, has three juniors also, and they've got a higher call volume, they're out a few times a month. All of them are in good academic standing and all of them are valuable manpower to a small town department.

I guess this all really depends on WHERE you are, and who you have available to respond.
Paid/vol department in Iowa with 180+ calls per year. Active cadet program, must be 16 years old and in their junior or senior yead of high school. Cadets are not allowed blue lights. Pagers must not be on while at school. All cadet parents sign a form with the school that allows for the student to be called out of school. The school office would be notified by dispach after the request was given by the commanding officer on scene to ask the cadets be let out of school.

That being said.....the call has never been made. We just haven't had a school time emergency that justified the request, but the ground work is well established if needed.

The Cadets were released from an entire day of high school to assist the department at the grade school for fire prevention talks earlier this month. I can't imagin a more worthwhile cause than this, cadets and youngsters alike.

Now just my vent on this issue. I see many of the "NEVER" and "EDUCATION FIRST" comments as narrow minded. The kids in our local school system miss several hours of class time each week if they are on a sports team. Some of the buss trips to sporting events are near 3 hours. A town close by has a high school Rodeo team, bull rider-----firefighter........I know which one I would call safer. Generations back familes would keep kids home as much as needed to help plant or harvest crops............did they turn out a bunch of dummies.......or some mature young adults with a strong work ethic and a sence of pride.

Our department worked hard to develop a working relationship with the local school system. What we have in place works here. The school officials, city council, parents, and the department have all put forth effort to set guidelines with the safety and developmet of our young Cadets.

Jessica asked for information, not a bunch of uninformed oppinions about how someone eles should run their program.
"The kids in our local school system miss several hours of class time each week if they are on a sports team."

Good point, and you can add band/music lessons to that.
you have got to be kidding me, under no circumstance should any jr's or any student regardless of their status or age be allowed to leave school, education is and should be number one. i know that there are poeple that will disagree and this is only my opinion. but i have been in the emergency service's for 20 yrs. and as i said in my opinion this is a ridiculois ideal.
according to the NFPA if im not misstaken says that the min. age limit for a firefighter to participate on any activity fire, wreck, etc. is 18. If you are 18 you should be a F.F. anyway, i would say there is not but a very very small % of F.D. that would pull junior F.F. out of school. Me being so close to you i see how that would be an issue, however i really dont think your going to get Rusty to go along with that one.. kudoos for make'n an effort though.

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