We are a small rural fire company with 5 truly active junior FFs. I am the Senior Advisor I guess you could say. I started with ropes and the basic 4 knots as they average 12 to 14 in age.  Have to keep them motivated and alert if you know what I mean. They are all doing awesome and even members have noticed some huge differences. But have to keep it going so willing and open ears .



Feel free to email !!

Thanks everyone!!


Rodney Recore

Barker Fire Department


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i know its old but heres some more input

sign-off books, decals, patches

sign-off books for tasks learned (signed off by different members)(at least 5 times) when they have displayed proper methods including communications skills.

decals for their helmets,and patches for jackets (awards for training success)

and at monthly meetings announcement of levels earned for the recognition.

making things fun to learn is great but getting recognition for what they've learned is priceless to a junior firefighter.

heres a neat link


many of these knots can be made quick release by looping the tail end of the rope back through.

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