Hey y'all,


I've recently applied for an EMS not too far from where I live.  Is there anyone that can give me advice on how to pass the interview, if I make it that far?




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you will probably get a few scenario calls such as "you and your partner are dispatched to a XYZ call for when your partner/the patient/the family...how would you handle the given scenario?" or a few "canned" questions such as "What do you know about ABC ambulance?" "What influenced your deicsion to enter the field?". I call these "canned" questions because they can either catch you off guard or they're so generic it's easy to give a boring answer. But my biggest piece of advice? DON"T BE LATE TO THE INTERVIEW!!! Arrive 10-15 min EARLY. When I had my first paid EMS gig, during the interview I noticed that my arrival time had been documented by the secretary and given to the panel before I entered the room.
Ok. I did some research on the Department. I ussually try to be at least 10 Min early for any appointment anyway. Thanks for the Heads up. Whats ussually approipriaate for dress?
Heres another question,

Whats considered Proper Attire for an interview?
What do you mean by Buisness Casual?
Nice shirt...iron it! (tie would be nice, but not a must) dress slacks, polished dress shoes and clean appearance.
Just tell them you really want to blow the siren.... that usually works.
I would wear a suit with some nice shoes for the interview. You want to stand out and not just be another number. Mot of the other candidates are going to be casual. Know everything you can about the job and the company your applying for because you want them to know you did your research on them and its something you really want.
I don't know anything about interviewing for an EMT position but I do know about job interviews in other work. There is some good advise there already, my personal list is; always arrive early, clean shaven, hair cut, either a suit and tie or trousers, shirt, tie and smart jacket. Remember the persons name who is interviewing you and use it regularly, it shows you are attentive to what they are saying. Be polite. Do not make anything up about experience or qualifications. Be as excited as you can be as if this is the only job you have ever wanted or company to work for.
I subsitute teach on my days off from the FD. A sociology teacher was talking to his class about testing for jobs, I was asked if there was any controversial firefighter test questions. So I ask my fellow FFN junkies if you have any controversial firefighter test questions or had heard of any. Just let me know what the question is, and if you can tell me why the question was being used.

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