I'm new to this site, I've been a fire fighter for the last 8 years, i may not have seen as much as most here on this site but i do have some "ideas" if some would like to hear about them...
feel free to add me to your friends list and kick up a chat if you want to!
do you have "auxillary" units at your station? if so what are your stations protocals for calling out the "auxillary" units? do they respond right to the station or meet the crews on scene?
I must have missed something. I thought we were gettting YOUR ideas.
OK, let's get this party started. What are YOUR ideas/thoughts concerning women in the fire service? And while we're at it, how about women cops and women in the military? And women in the military in combat?
(Yo! Don't blame me. The boy asked for some topics.)
I think women in any kind of feild no matter if it's in the fire service or military, ect is a great idea! we have only one woman on with us but we are starting to get more applications to join.
as far as I'm concerned if a woman is able to do the job/task at hand and do it without being injured then all the more power to them!
what were you expecting? i think women have a vital part to play in first responce, gone are the days when they would be stuck home cooking when us "men" were slaving our butts off at work. I enjoy seeing the young and older generation getting involved in one aspect or another in any feild
As many will tell you (and WestFilly being one of them) I do tend to have and express opinions, I'm not shy about that.
As to women in the fire service, well it is 2010 (down here in the lower 48 anyway) so I don't see it as an issue at all (someone has to shop, cook and clean).