If you might be wondering what the next generation of fire helmets will look like, here you go!

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Actually Mike,

My former career FD's safety committee looked at the gallet style helmet several years back.  It was resoundingly rejected by the firefighters who were issued Cairns 660's but wished to return to a traditional style helmet.

Guess what they wear now...It sure isn't the Gallet!

In a helmet that would integrate screens and data from a TIC, technology cost is definitely an important factor.

SCBA still cost/weigh nearly the same but have more comfort/added features than the older ones. A bit like cars.


Let's meet here in ten years and see where we got with PPE, TIC and SCBA.


Anyway, merry Christmas to all !

In recent years, the MFB here have gone to the style below....


Oh wow! I love this helmet. Does it come with a microphone to talk with fellow firefighters or just cal fire? Or both. Cool helmet totally want one!

no not me

I'll keep my traditional style helmet, thank you!

So I have some concerns with this helmet.
1. Can you get it off in a hurry by yourself? I'm sure you can, but when you need an 8 hour class on how to dawn and doff your helmet that's a little excessive.
2.What kind of internal temperature are we looking at here? Not even in fire situations let's take a nice summer day when humidity is at 95% heat index is 110 and actual temp is 100 how warm is it in the helmet? I'm not saying it's nice comfy with either a traditional or a metro helmet with a hood I just don't want my attack team to go down from heat exhaustion before they get water off the rig.
3. Our sog's highlight when where we are supposed to wear our helmets and that includes more than just during interior operations during a structure fire. I would be concerned with functionality of this unit in exterior or other situations.
Is it the drager HPS7000 ? I Think it's the new model off the helmet, that I use (HPS6800) it a god helmet.. No problem whit heat and it have the "clic system" to the mask.. I just Got a Caims 1010 whit (I'm a Incident Commander, just for fun) thats a Nice one to but the Drager (if it is a drager) isen't as heavy - I Think it's all about "whit you are used to use"

About communication we use earbone microphone a lot.

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