I Wish to Go Into the Military as a Firefighter but Which Branch?

I like the action but wanna get out alive w/o having to kill the whole time as firefighter i want to save lives as a milatary personnell i wish to serve and protect my country under all costs whether it be with a gun in my hand or a hose. So i guess its hard to explain but to put it simply i wanna save more than i kill HOORAH!

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I agree with everyone the airforce is the best for it but the army is also good as long as the job is open they are trying to bring it back active duty to work side by side with the dod civilian guys, i work the the Fort Jackson Dept of Emergency services which is Fire, Police, Ems. the fire dept has active and reserve guys along with the civilians everyone is a great group to work with. the army is kinda hard to get into for it though, becasue its so small right now with the MOS., if you want to do this job be adimate about it and dont sign a thing unless you get what you want period., the air force pretty good chance as long as your asvab score is high enough, the marines good also bad thing about that is you say FF they say ok you go to boot and such and they give a you a job relation b=not exact thing if you do get it you are more of what they call Crash Fire Rescue. mainly aircraft firefighter but great for civilian job at an air port casue ARFF is a hard class to get trainning in. although you do rotate around every so often to the structure side to keep your status and training up with this. reason i know is i grew up at Lejune and i did an internship for new river in high school. but any how either way you decide good luck
I recently was talking to a USAF recruiter. IF you have a BS degree or you score at least a 98, maybe 95 I don't remember exactly which, then you may choose 3 jobs you would like to do in the AF. Being the military, they will take the most critically short job of those 3. When I put in my wish list for bases after Tech. School, it was CA bases on all 10 lines. Ended up in Delaware.

If you don't have the degree or score that high, then you give them a list of 10 jobs you would like to do. Remember this, it will be on the test later, do not take anything for granted that the recruiter tells you. If it's not in writing, it doesn't count. S/He may not lie to you, but may fail to give you the whole picture.

I don't know if I would have enlisted without that guarantee of the FF job.
thats really appreciated for your answer but which one would direct me more as a firefighter than pop a head open to put it bluntly.
thankyou now when you say a bachelors degree is there a certain one that might be of intrest such as fire and science/emt/hazmat/chemical geometry advanced/ any of these?lol sorry to ask
You guys have all gave excellent help and i really appreciate it i will learn how to spell big words such as the military lolz mistype as i have been seeing airforce really points out. i have 1 question tho if i wish to be in the airforce i hear that you need a congressional recommendation is this true if so what would you suggest for me to get that again thankyou for such great answers
No, that is not true. You need a letter of recommendation from your congressman to join The Air Force Academy, you would just be enlisting into the Air Force regularly, it's not needed.

Check these websites out, they'll help you out.



Good to hear. LOL
The Congresssional Recommendation is actually part of an appointment to any of the United States Military Academies; West Point (Army), Annapolis (Navy/Marines), Colorado Springs (Air Force), Kings Point (Merchant Marines), New London (Coast Guard).
For that you request the recommendation from your Congressman/woman.

You do not need this if you are looking to enlist.
Let me add to my previous post. Be very careful of the words 'probably' and 'most likely'. Unless you have a guaranteed FF specialty written in that contract, you may not get that job. If you, like I was 30 years ago, will only enlist if you have that specific job, be very specific with your recruiter.

The better you test, the better your chances are of getting the job you want. Like the civilian world, you will be competing against other candidates for that job. The USAF is an employer who wants to hire the best. These days they seem to be able to be a little more selective.
I'm an Army firefighter in Indiana. If you can go Air Force, do it. They will train the hell out of you and you'll get the most out of it. I have seriously done nothing in the 3 years I have been in the Army. I've done everything except fight fire...I cut locks, go on BS medical calls, and I've washed alot of Marine Corps helicopters... that's it... I got my driver operator pumper cert, and that's the amount of training the put on in 3 years. . and they won't even pay for my EMT class.
Let me just add too that you are looking to enlist at a time really unprecidented by any other. The military gives a steady paycheck and good benefits in an otherwise unstable economy. If you are looking ONLY for a chance to be a military FF in the high hopes it will jump you into a career dept, you are fooling yourself. If you think you can play hardball with recruiters, you are fooling yourself.

Recruiters have people coming to them, people with college degrees and so forth, looking to the military, they can afford to be picky. If you go into a recruiter's office, playing hardball, saying you only want to be a FF and nothing else, they will tend to show you the door. Why? Because you are unwilling to look at any other jobs. FF goes fast, even in the past when there wasn't ample recruits, if you appear to be unwilling in job choices, then it is is a good chance a recruiter won't work with you, because you approach as someone "job locked".

As I mentioned in my previous post, it does NOT matter what job you did in the military, it matters how you utilize the education offered. Vet points go across the board and does not discern between a person who did military FF and one who was a grunt, both have equal shot at getting hired. If you don't believe me, I highly suggest checking out the forums on military.com because this is pretty standard advice.
Disagree all you want to there, the reality of today though is that the military is just not hurting for recruits. Each branch is consistently meeting their recruitment goals and can afford to be picky. Vets who once served and now looking to get back in are having a hell of a time trying to get back in....not a problem years ago, but it is the reality of today. Those kids with shady records be it drugs, misdeamors, etc are finding a hell of a time getting in. And these are people who would take any job offered to them.

This is the reality of today. When you have actual recruiters on military.com stating they have shown applicants the door because they were job -locked, that is the reality of today. When you have people showing up as "qualified, but no job", that is the reality of today. I spend about as much time on that site as I do here and have seen so many of the issues come forward. Heck, I used to be one to give advice to go undesignated in many cases, but that just isn't how it works today. There are enough recruiters, enough active people and enough past serving people who understand how it works today. I'm not giving out some BS info here, nor even give a damn what branch someone wants to go into. This is reality of getting in today.
Going into the service is a big decision...Many of those here have "been there and done that"...1st off get the mentality straight....you do as you are told , when you are told...don't get that "killer" attitude...your thoughts get clouded with the hate and then you or someone else gets hurt....Keep your head and depend on your training and you will do fine...As far as Firefighting....well get it in writting BEFORE you go to Basic...many, many people have gone in with a "garantee" and found themsleves at the dumb end of a rifle for 4 years....LOL...I have trained with AirForce people during an ARFF course and they were excellant...I have heard that the Navy is also very, very good....I guess they have to be aboard ships...don't have anyplace to run to......these 2 branches seem to be a little better with tech fields....But go where your heart is...you are the one that has to do the time....Good luck...and congratulations on the decision......Stay sfae.........Paul

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