I found this on YouTube while doing some research of the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion. Any thoughts?

Some of the audio is very choppy and unreadable.

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Here's the link to the video: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=4gFjxopmJn0

Nothing unusual. The initial call appears to come from a firefighter via his radio, then the first arriving company gives a size-up and asks for mutual aid. You can sense the urgency when they realize how advanced the fire is and its proximity to the ammonium nitrate storage.

I couldn't play the one off the link above but found several others. Here's a good one:


The most moving part for me was thinking about how these were the last words spoken by a couple of these guys.

You might not be able to view it because I use an iPad. The clip in the link starts out with a firefighter saying there was an explosion. The sense of urgency In all the firefighters voices was moving as well. I can imagine what it must've been like for then. Thanks for the link, Norm. I'll check it out right now.

More coverage on the other side of the site, FY.


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