This seems like a cool place. I'm hoping to learn more info here and expand my education on the fire service.
To fill yall in a little on myself I've been around the fire service my whole life. My dad was a founding member for our little dept. so I've been going to fire mtgs etc for a long while.
I signed my junior papers when I was 13 out at the station and its been downhill ever since haha. I started washing hose, rolling hose, washing trucks and keeping the station in general clean.
Since I have joined I have slowly moved up until this year I was assigned as Captain of one of our tanker trucks.
Since then Chief Dino has helped me finish my basic certification. So I r now a halfway edjimataced fiar fighta haha j/k
I hope to learn alot here.
PS my volunteer service has spilled over into my life. I run my own business and among several things we do we build brush truck fire trucks. From start to finish I will post some pics later.